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LETTERS: Obamacare not to blame for state’s exchange woes

To the editor:

The Review-Journal’s Aug. 20 editorial (“Health Link stink”) provides an overview of a patient’s dire misfortune with Nevada Health Link, the state’s exchange for the Affordable Care Act.

The exchange has multiple problems, to be sure. But it is not run by the federal government.

Nevadans chose the vendor and oversaw the process, and is therefore responsible for the outcomes — not the federal government.

The insurance purchased via the exchange is private insurance from an organization licensed to do business in our state. Of course, as the editorial notes, “it’s inexcusable and unforgivable that this patient got no response and no help from the exchange or its insurers.”

It is also inexcusable and unforgivable that the Review-Journal continues to blame Obamacare for Nevada’s inadequacies in implementing the Affordable Care Act, and seeks out every unfortunate patient story it can find to report on the inadequacies.



Henderson property taxes

To the editor:

I read that Henderson Councilman John Marz wants to raise our city’s taxes again (“Taxes back on the agenda,” Tuesday Review-Journal). This comes right after handing out bonuses to Henderson administrative employees.

A merit bonus for a well-deserving employee on a rare occasion might be something to consider, but to hand out bonuses throughout the city does nothing but usurp the public’s tax dollars without the public having a say on the matter.

What next, city employees having tip jars on their desks?



Bide your time, Reid

To the editor:

Sen. Harry Reid, you have a little more than two years left if your long career ends in the 2016 election, as many of us hope. So why not do something constructive in that period, like fixing the southern border, straightening out the IRS, correcting the income and corporate tax codes and stopping all the scandals.

And what about trading five criminals for a possible U.S. deserter? Why not help our imprisoned Marine in Mexico, who made a wrong turn in his car and now sits in jail?

Trying to get the Redskins to change their name is a misuse of time and money. The name isn’t racist, nor are the names of the Kansas City Chiefs and the Cleveland Indians. Those designations honor American natives who were tough and a big part of our history.

Do something worthwhile, Sen. Reid, and leave the Indian athletic names as they have been for generations.



Mountain Ridge a success

To the editor:

I agree with Joyce Brink’s letter (“Little League coverage a home run,” Aug. 29 Review-Journal). Review-Journal columnist Ed Graney’s coverage of the Little League World Series was insightful and compelling.

Many sports commentators, such as the on-site sports reporter for a local news station, acted as if our team’s loss to Chicago was a sad defeat. Actually, the Mountain Ridge team could not have done a better job representing Las Vegas. The U.S. championship game against Chicago was one of the best baseball games I’ve ever witnessed, with the score see-sawing back and forth, punctuated with great hits and outstanding double plays. Wow!

Our kids gave it their best, and that’s all that matters. Who won the game is barely relevant, as far as I’m concerned. All of the players are 12-year-old kids, and the Chicago kids were just as deserving as the Las Vegas kids.

The Mountain Ridge players and coaches deserve high praise all around.



R-J website woes

To the editor:

I have started my day for three years by visiting the Review-Journal website, but I must now remove it from my bookmarks because of the obnoxious in-your-face ads that cover the home page. And the subsequent monster-size pop-up ads are just too much to take.

I understand that it is difficult for a news organization to make money in the Internet age, but holding your content hostage while I wait for the page to load and then time out is more than I am willing to accept.

I will miss it.



Foreign policy flop

To the editor:

I recall that in 2008, Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, selected as his running mate Sen. Joe Biden because of Sen. Biden’s great foreign policy expertise.

How is the Obama-Biden foreign policy working out after six years?



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