Changes to elections laws and Medicare rules are among the 15 new laws that went into effect on New Year’s Day.
Bill Dentzer
Although the union qualified sales and gaming tax petitions, officials agreed to withdraw them as part of a deal made in the 2021 Legislature.
The 22-page ruling found no merit constitutional challenges to the requirement that students wear masks at school.
The party-line vote by the Legislative Commission could throw in-person spring semester college classes into doubt.
The state will allocate $19.6 million for centers to dispense monoclonal antibody treatments.
Steve Feeder says he was caught up on the moment when he railed against Sisolak, but doesn’t regret the things he said.
Complaints lodged this week with the Secretary of State’s office claim illegal fundraising by one of two rival Republican Party factions in Clark County.
Gov. Steve Sisolak introduced Lisa Cano Burkhead as his appointee to the vacant lieutenant governor’s post in an announcement in Las Vegas Thursday morning.
Lisa Cano Burkhead’s appointment by Gov. Steve Sisolak will become official Thursday with events in Las Vegas and Carson City.
A district judge in Lyon County has nullified part a new state law banning untraceable firearms assembled from kits, finding that some provisions are too vague to be enforced.
Two conservation groups have filed a federal lawsuit challenging how the federal government culls and controls predatory wildlife on Nevada’s public lands.
A reform group pressing to change how the state conducts its once-a-decade rewrite of state and federal legislative districts will try again to put the matter before voters.
The initiative aims to amend the state constitution to change primary and general elections for all state office elections except U.S. president and vice president.
The grants will be awarded to organizations that serve the state’s most vulnerable residents.
Guy Nohra says running for office “is not life and death,” but thinks he can add a new perspective to the race.